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  • Brisbane’s golden decade

    The titans of the real estate industry in Australia all agree the Queensland capital is a place of real growth and positivity compared to the rest of the country.

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  • Brisbane 100 raises the bar

    A staggering $75.250 million worth of property changed hands today in six hours at Ray White Queensland’s huge Brisbane 100 in-room auction event at the Howard Smith Wharves, which shows the unstoppable strength of the local property market.

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  • Year of the auction

    Ray White, the leading auction house in Australia, booked 30,400 auctions in 2023/24, a huge increase of 21 per cent on the prior year.

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  • Monthly Update for April 2014

    As Super March draws to an end it has been a busy month for us here on Level 17 at Ray White Residential Sydney CBD based at 135 King Street in the heart of the city. Keep up to date with our April 2014 Newsletter

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  • iPad to Assist with Open for Inspections

    As an innovative and client focused firm we are always seeking to make things easier for home buyers and sellers and that this why we are now pleased to announce that we will be using iPads to help assist our clients. iPads with the assistance of the app Agent Toolbox … Read more

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  • Interest rates go even lower…

    Yesterday’s announcement of a further 25 basis points cut to the official cash rate was largely expected, but the subsequent lender’s rush to pass on the Reserve Bank’s discount was something of a surprise. Contrary to the hours or days more commonly taken to deliberate, within three minutes of the … Read more

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  • February Market Update From Ray White Residential Sydney CBD

    I am pleased to confirm that the current media optimism about a buoyant property market is also being reflected within our local Sydney CBD marketplace. Ray White Residential Sydney CBD has been trading for seven months and registered its record monthly “agreed sales” activity in February in excess of $14 … Read more

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  • Ray White地产悉尼中央商业区分行全体同仁祝您蛇年事事如意,恭喜发财

    谨代表Ray White地产悉尼中央商业区分行全体同仁祝您 蛇年好运似蛇长,千家万户新气象,好运临门庆吉祥,花好月圆喜满堂。祝你家庭和睦事业顺,全家幸福又安康! 新年代表新气象, 新年同时可能带来一些人生转变,例如:转换工作,考虑退休,改变投资计划,搬迁或移居外地,组合新的家庭,增加家庭成员等等。上述种种的人生转变都离不开对物业的决定。我们深知这些转变是需要时间提前准备,并做出慎重的考虑和周详的计划。根据我们的实际经验所得,如您有更多的时间准备,如您能掌握更多的市场信息,您将会获得更加理想的结果。 悉尼市区物业市场变化不断,您的物业也可能在过去12个月有新的调整。Ray White 地产悉尼中央商业区分行愿意为您提供最新的物业评估,此项服务将是免费的,保密的,不附带条件的。 如果您未来12个月内可能考虑对您的物业有新的计划,或者您知道您的朋友正在寻求或考虑出售物业,他/她们可能需要我们的帮助,请与我们-您的本地专业物业代理,Ray White地产悉尼中央商业区分行联系。如您需要中文服务,能亲切地说您的语言, 您可以联系我们的国语,粤语物业代理-方小姐Doris Fang, 手机0451 666 551或电邮 再次祝您蛇年事事如意,恭喜发财! 方小姐 Doris Fang 物业销售专员 Ray White地产悉尼中央商业区分行 手机 0451 666 551 最新市场信息 -905/23 Shelley Street Sydney刚在2013年1月30日成交。此物业曾经由另一家物业经纪销售, 经过四个月没有成交。我行接手后在首周推出市场时成功售出,业主非常满意成交价格。这仅仅是我行最新成交的例子之一。 -Fairfax报刊是悉尼最大的新闻传媒之一 ,她们将会推出全新面貌的地产报纸专刊。Ray White作为四大地产代理之一,以最有竟争力的价格预订了2013年3月2日广告版。例如:在当天刊登报纸广告四分之一版面仅以$1,550.00一周的优惠价格。如需预订,请尽快与我行联系。

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  • Changing Times

    The New Year heralds a time for making New Year Resolutions and quite possibly breaking them. It generally coincides with people deciding to make life changing decisions for the year ahead for example: changing job, retiring, perhaps moving closer to family, downsizing because the children have flown the nest, releasing … Read more

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  • Ray White Residential Sydney CBD Marketing Initiative

    Are you thinking about selling your apartment in 2013, if so please read about an exciting marketing initiative that Ray White is undertaking in the month of March starting on “Super Saturday” 2nd March 2013. March is a five Saturday month and traditional has shown it has the highest dollar … Read more

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  • Happy New Year!

    My biggest news of 2012 is that after very little persuasion I set up an office within the Corporate Head Office of Ray White! It was a very easy decision to make, there’s been plenty of challenges; nevertheless I’m delighted that I’ll have the opportunity to build a company that reflects my … Read more

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